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The Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers



Code analysis

ReSharper adds more than 2200 live code inspections for C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, and other technologies to Visual Studio. ReSharper offers quick fixes (light bulbs) to enhance the code for the majority of inspections.

locate and eliminate useless code? switch your code over to the most recent C# version? At will convert loops to LINQ? discover and eliminate potential exceptions? use a uniform naming convention? ReSharper's code analysis makes all of those code optimizations and many more feasible.



In order to safely structure code and move it across the solution, distribute responsibility, disconnect, reduce complexity, or just use different language syntax, more than 60 refactorings and 450 context actions are used.

Navigation and search

No matter how big the solution is, ReSharper enables quick access to any code within it. Additionally, it can direct you from any symbol to the code that corresponds to it, such as implementations of a specific interface, extension methods of a class, or field usages.

Code formatting and cleanup

Set up and use the coding style according to your personal tastes or the accepted practice of your team. For C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, JavaScript, TypeScript, and other languages, code style and formatting settings can be applied in any scope, from a choice to a solution.

Code generation

ReSharper can generate a lot of code for you, including new files, classes, conditional statements, and GUIDs. It can also generate the methods and properties needed to implement an interface, as well as equality tests and formatting members.